6 tbsp food-grade calcium bentonite clay
3 tbsp food-grade di-calcium phosphate
4 tbsp food-grade diatomaceous earth
2 tbsp food-grade baking soda
6 tbsp food-grade calcium carbonate
1/2 tbsp finely ground Mount Shasta Sage leaf
1/4 tbsp Himalayan or sea salt
1/4 tsp organic Lucuma powder
1/4 tbsp food-grade activated charcoal
1 tbsp organic ground turmeric powder (for extra whitening)
12 drops food-grade trace minerals
10-20 drops of organic essential oils (peppermint, tea tree, etc.)
In a glass or wooden bowl with a glass, wooden or plastic spoon (bentonite clay loses some of its beneficial properties when it comes into contact with metal!), mix together your clay, baking soda, calcium carbonate, sage leaf, salt, lucuma, activated charcoal, stevia or xylitol. Mix together well. Add in 12 drops of high quality, food-grade trace minerals and your choice of organic essential oils. Bottle in glass, wood or plastic.