Frequently asked questions

Do you ship internationally?

Yes. We ship worldwide. Please message us if to have custom orders built for you with exact shipping prices. Our website sometimes doesn't calculate them correctly.

Can I pay for Priority Mail or Express Shipping?

Yes, we customize every aspect of our customers orders so you get exactly what you want, when you want it, whenever possible.

Message us directly with custom requests.

How long did it take the person in the photos to remineralize their cavities?

The customer that took the before and after photos listed on some of our tooth products began oil pulling 1-3x per day with our partially ozonated olive oil at first because she had a severe gum infection and two deep cavities in her back molars. She said it took about a week for her deep infection to disappear with oil pulling. She then purchased a Super Mineral Tooth Oil from us and began oil pulling with that thereafter.

She also said she quit eating processed sugar completely and was taking cod liver oil supplements. (I've been told similar effects can be found in algae supplements).

The first photo was taken mid-October.

She sent us the remineralized photos of her two back teeth in February.

Why is there borax listed as an ingredient in the Skin Foods?

Borax helps bind the water-based and oil-based ingredients in our formulations.

We make at least 6 skin foods at a time minimum, and there is 1/8 of a teaspoon of borax dissolved into the water base of these formulations before being blended together into a skin cream.

This means there is the equivalent of 1/48 of a teaspoon of borax dissolved into the water base of each 2oz jar to help it bind together.

This very small amount is a very sensitive skin-friendly way of creating organic creams.

Why can't I return my items if I don't want them?

Because all of our products are customized and made fresh to order, we cannot accept returns or exchanges. We have no way of knowing whether or not these items have been contaminated and we cannot resell them. For the safety of our customers, once your item has been purchased and delivered, it cannot be returned.

How do I use the Tooth Oil?

Everyone uses our products differently, depending upon what helps them most. We made the tooth oils with the intention of making a remineralizing oil we could oil pull with.

For those of you that don't know, this means taking a bit of oil, swishing in your mouth for at least ten minutes, then spitting it out.

Most of our customers use our oils for oil pulling. Some of them prefer to brush with it alone or mix it with a toothpowder to make a paste to brush with...find which works best for you!

Can I use your products internally?

The FDA makes sure we cannot legally recommend any of our products for ingestion.

Doctors like Hulda Clark have advocated for cleanses using ozonated products over time, but we are not doctors and cannot give you recommendations for using our products in these ways without risking getting into trouble.

We're just dedicated to providing you the most organic ozone products possible.

Please follow your own intuition and discretion when using them.

Our magnesium oil, even though it is made with pharmaceutical-grade magnesium best absorbed topically through the skin.

Which items can I customize?

We offer custom requests for any ingredients omitted or added according to allergies and sensitivities on all items except for the toothpaste. The toothpaste must be purchased in a minimum order of 10oz at a time in order to be customized.

What are the ozonated oils strengths? 

How can you tell the difference when it comes to ozonated oils? The best way to tell the difference is by the amount of 3, 6, and 9 fatty acid percentages the oil holds. Oils with a higher percentage of fatty acids typically hold more ozone.


Ozonated Sesame Seed Oil has a lot of 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids so it holds the most ozone out of all the oils we sell currently. Ozonated Olive Oil has very little omega 3s and 6s but lots of omega 9s, putting it almost in the middle as far as strength.


Each oil has a different amount of 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids and each fatty acid is weighed differently for the formula. The final number is called the Potential Ozonide Index (POI). See the formula and chart below.


The formula: Omega 3s (x3) + Omega 6s (x2) + Omega 9s (x1) = POI

Different oils will hold more or less ozone depending upon their fat contents. The consistency of each depends upon the other composition of the oil. Hemp seed oil is our stickiest oil, while jojoba is the smoothest and easiest to absorb.


Jojoba oil by itself is one of the closest plant oils to human sebum. This makes it an excellent oil for sensitive skin with a great rate of absorption. Jojoba and Coconut are excellent oils if you are new to ozone and aren't sure how your skin will react.


Our coconut oil will come in solid form (unless above 76 degrees), the sunflower and hemp seed will come in liquid form unless refrigerated. Our black cumin, sesame and olive will all be in gel form with olive being the thickest.


We do wholesale, bulk and custom orders for large quantities or specialty oils by request.

Our additional ozone generators and oxygen concentrators can be "rented" to ozonate custom oil orders for $150 per week.

There are additional costs included for the oils, jars, tubing, shipping, etc.

We ozonate one gallon at a time unless a larger jar is provided.

Please email us with your questions for specific pricing.

How can I best remineralize my teeth?

Which products do you and your family use?

My family and I use a variety of different products...and always test our new prototypes for awhile before selling them too. As for our usual and favorite regimen we have been using to remineralize regularly...a probiotic toothpaste, Iodine & 79 mineral swish, Tooth Oils (Coconut, Super Mineral, Sunflower & Sesame) & Toothpowder top the list. 


We take supplements like vitamin D3 & K2, Iodine, Vitamin C, Spirulina and a great organic whole foods multivitamin daily. A really good humic/fulvic acid supplement is also taken here and there when we remember to! Fermented cod liver oil, fermented skate liver oil are really nutrient-dense non-vegan sources of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A & D. Dentists highly recommend taking this if your diet isn't sufficient in vitamins and minerals. These must be readily available in your blood, your diet sufficient and the pH correct, for remineralization to occur.


Each tooth is said to contain almost 3 miles of tiny tubules that our bodies push dental fluid through to consistently remineralize. If this process is blocked in any way, or disease is occurring, minerals can be leeched from the teeth...and decay can begin. We suggest looking for a great book called Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel to better understand this process.


"Your body is always trying to heal and repair your teeth to find and maintain balance. Your goal is to align yourself and your actions with this natural function. Any tooth has the potential to remineralize. If healing teeth seems confusing, just think of bones healing. Healing teeth is similar to healing bones. When your diet reaches a certain threshold of minerals and fat-soluble vitamins, your soft teeth will become hard and even glassy. Cracks can seal together, and your tooth ligaments will strengthen. Inside the tooth your body will build new secondary dentin to protect the inner tooth pulp. As with a bone, if there is a hole in your tooth, the hole will not usually fill in. The areas all around the hole will get strong and extremely hard. The lost tooth structure is not usually replaceable. Holes in your teeth usually cannot be completely filled in and restored to their oroginal condition, even with special nutrition. However, the holes can be sealed, and the enamel will become hard and protect your tooth pulp from infection." -Cure Tooth Decay, by Ramiel Nagel



Why does your company have an apothecary look to it? 

Why do you use amber or blue glass bottles?

We use amber and blue glass bottles for almost all of our products because the ozone in the products will break down when exposed to direct sunlight or heat for an extended period of time. Ozonated oils keep best when they are refrigerated or kept in the freezer. There have been reports of ozone remaining stable in an oil for 10-17 years at the most when stored correctly.  We use glass bottles because ozone quickly deteriorates latex and plastic when it comes into contact with it so we make sure it only touches food-grade silicone and glass. Ozone will not deteriorate fluoride, silicone & glass. We are not sure about any other substances it may or may not deteriorate so we highly encourage you not to re-bottle your ozonated products unless it is necessary. Please use glass if possible.

How are ozonated oils different from regular oils? 

What do ozonated oils smell like?

We have a medical grade oxygen concentrator that we pump oxygen directly from into an ozone generator (to convert it from 02 to 03). We diffuse a gallon of organic oil with pure ozone gas for up to 3 weeks at a time. Most oils are fully saturated by 21 days.  This means the fat molecules have then all been converted into oxygen molecules.  The gels, having high oxygen contents, work well for any condition that would benefit from oxygen such as bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic issues. There is no active ozone gas left in the oils after they are finished ozonating and have sat for over 24 hours. They have had their molecular composition changed by the ozonation process in order to contain higher oxygen levels.


We have been blending these ozonated oils into many different recipes over the years for many different conditions.


This is the primary benefit of using ozonated oils over regular oils.


Please be sure to only buy ORGANIC ozonated oils. Some oils, when ozonated or exposed to heat during the ozonation process, can produce formaldehyde.


We only use cold-pressed, hexane-free, high-quality organic oils that are never heated. We don't heat any of our oils except the pure coconut that needs to be kept above its 76 degree melting point.


"Ozone (O3), a gas composed of three oxygen atoms, is continuously produced in the stratosphere by UV radiation or during the electric discharge of lightning from atmospheric oxygen. Although ozone is not a radical molecule, it is far more reactive than oxygen. Also, ozone is the third strongest oxidative agent after fluorine and persulphate. Ozone has the ability to oxide organic and/or inorganic compounds by reacting with them immediately. So, ozone may oxide plasma membrane of all microorganisms including bacteria, virus and fungus, and eventually shred these microorganisms. Therefore, ozone has been used as a disinfectant for many years. "


The word ozone is derived from the Greek verb ozein, which means "to smell." Ozone has a very distinctive smell that humans can detect even in small concentrations sometimes as few as 10 parts per billion.  


People have said ozone smells like freshly cut grass, thunderstorms, waterfalls, snow, clean, chlorine, metallic, an electrical spark or melted crayons. Since it is its own unique element, we all seem to experience it differently.


The link below are the ones that have been quoted in this text

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